Hosts and PTSI Resilience Trainers John Salerno and Samantha Horwitz talk with Eagle Oak Retreat's Warrior PATHH program Director Steven Brush on @A Badge of Honor Podcast.
Warrior PATHH (Progressive Alternative Training Helping Heroes) is the first training program to enable our nation’s combat veterans and first responders to transform deep struggle into profound strength and lifelong Posttraumatic Growth (PTG).
Warrior PATHH was developed by the Boulder Crest Foundation, a national nonprofit organization working to ensure that service members, veterans, first responders, and their families can live great lives in the aftermath of stress, struggle, and trauma. You can follow Eagle Oak Retreat across social media and find out more about Warrior PATHHH by visiting https://www.eagleoakretreat.org/warri...
A Badge of Honor offers workshops to first responders across the nation, working with mental health liaisons and critical incident management teams for Post Traumatic Stress Injury Recovery, wellness and resilience.
A Badge of Honor says, "We Hear You," and wants you to know you are not alone.
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