Dallas Memorial March 2024
Join our Team!
In 2011, Carry The Load began as a 20-hour, 11-minute Memorial March on Memorial Day around White Rock Lake in Dallas. It started as a grassroots effort by two Veteran U.S. Navy SEALs Stephen Holley and Clint Bruce who felt like the nation had forgotten the meaning of Memorial Day. More than a decade later, Carry The Load has turned into a worldwide movement to honor our nation’s heroes and make Memorial Day matter again.
The Dallas Memorial March continues to be Carry The Load’s flagship event. It is a two-day embodiment of the values Carry The Load hopes to further — a celebration of heroes, remembrance of the fallen, and education in respectful observance. The Dallas Memorial March is the culmination of Memorial May fundraising to benefit our Continuum of Care partners.
We are excited that Carry the Load selected Eagle Oak Retreat as one of their nonprofit partners this year. To date, Carry The Load helped raise over $38M in conjunction with Military & First Responder charities across the United States. Your participation and donation helps Eagle Oak Retreat achieve our mission to provide combat veterans and first responders with the skills necessary to overcome traumatic stress experienced as a result of their service to our country.
Join an Eagle Oak Retreat team or create your own! Funds that you raise will "roll up" to the team total, and you can earn your official Eagle Oak Carry the Load shirt by raising $50 or more! 100% of proceeds will go to Eagle Oak if you’re registered under our page!
Click button below to view Eagle Oak's fundraising page
Additional Step-by-Step instructions are below

1. Log onto our team page HERE
2. Choose your Team or register as an Individual
You have three (3) options:
Start a Team
If you have a group you’d like to get involved, then Start a Team. Your team will be created under the Eagle Oak Retreat and will appear on our page. There you will be able to see your team roster, funds raised, and compete with other
Eagle Oak Retreat teams.
Join an Existing Team
Click Search and you’ll see a list of the many Eagle Oak Retreat teams from across the country. Choose the one that you’d like to join, and just click on that team’s name.
Register as an Individual
If you don’t want to start or join an existing team, you can select “Register As An Individual.” Your donations and any funds you raise will be counted under the Eagle Oak Retreat team.
3. Select a Participation Type
We ask that you choose Option 2: Memorial May Fundraiser – No Fee and consider making an initial donation. With your $50 or more donation, you will receive an Eagle Oak Retreat Carry the Load t-shirt. Additionally, if you raise $200 or more, you will receive a free t-shirt from Carry The Load as an official “Load Carrier” of the Memorial Day fundraiser.
REMEMBER: 100% of donations/funds raised on our Eagle Oak Retreat pages come back to Eagle Oak